Before it all started, I had a million doubts to go there as I wasn't ready. Thanks to Satan as well for being such a good supporter in this. There were a lot of what if(s) than how to(s). I tried to create a lot of excuses not to go, but then I paused and said.. I can't do this, the Almighty will definitely punish me for lying. So I accept the invitation to perform "Umrah" with my beloved uncle and his wife, aunt, cousin, uncle's MIL and my big brother.
It is true, I wasn't prepared. I didn't know what to do. I followed my aunt to the "ceramah" but I didn't pay any attention at all. I've heard so many stories about no-delay in God's punishments there, that's enough to persuade me not to go. I was scared. My days were occupied with work and until 2 days before my flight, I got freaked out and asked my friend to show me what to do during Tawaf and Saie. Without hesitation she demonstrated to me. That was the first time, I really listened and practiced. Thanks I-know-who-you-are!
One day before it happened, I took leave just because I wanted to do some revision about the places I'm about to go, Mecca and Medina. I read many blogs and google many tips what to do and not to do before and during "Umrah". One of 'em is to perform Taubah Nasuha solah. I couldn't as I was "dirty". Again, I freaked. How to purify myself if I can't solah. Then, I accidentally read about this one girl experiencing the same. Luckily we landed in Medina first. She mentioned if we cannot Solah, we may substitute with "zikir and istighfar". Allah Maha penyayang, Allah Maha Mengetahui.
So the anticipated day came, the 9 hours journey was full of nervousness and zikir. Consequently, I baca a lot of doa(s) to protect my heart from evilness, avoid cursing and be patient all the time. Patience is one of the important character you must posses in order to survive well there. Mainly in Mecca, people there is quite aggressive, but we must understand everybody is chasing for Allah's redha including YOU.
Alhamdullilah, safely arrived in Medina. Everything went well and smooth. The magnifique Prophet's Mosque was only about 5 minutes from our hotel. That time,It was around 9-ish at night but I felt so excited. So, I've decided to explore (plus we need to buy more mineral water). My aunt and cousin were tired, so I had to walk alone. My aunt of course said go to the opposite convenient shop nearby but my curiosity brings me far away from the place we stayed.
It was a fine tour and alhamdullillah I felt safe with some doa(s) from the book that travel agency gave. I saw a lot of cultures but we are all unified by Islam. Our faith and way of living. I even feel like I want to migrate there, very peaceful. So the next day, was all about Ibadah and visit few places :) The best experience in Medina for me was to get a chance to perform Solah in Ar-Raudhah Mosque, worth waiting for! (this is one of the Mustajab doa place, correct me if I'm wrong)
One tip to share, if you ever "terdetik" of takot kasut hilang in the masjid you can clear your doubts by istighfar and leave it to Allah. Allah will take care of His Guests. Do not doubt on that. Thats how I kept my shoes from missing and whenever I tour alone. Alhamdullillah. Being there was like a real heart-opener for me. I never thought by saying mere Allah we will granted with Pahala. So I just said it many times. We are racing for Allah's Pahala no matter night and day, I really miss that culture.
Enjoyed my journey in Medina, the people all nice , all generous. I even speak Bahasa Malaysia with them during shopping and tawar menawar Malaysian style siap. The Jubah borong is super cheap and beautiful. That kinda quality you will be charged in Malaysia from range about RM 100- RM 150 but there only RM 20-RM 50. But dont forget, your real intention there sisters! Oh yeah, I really love it whenever Azan they will close their shops immediately and proceed to Masjid. Dah la efficient beriman pula tu!
4 days in Medina is not enough but I pray to Allah that one day He will invite me again. Before I leave for Mecca, here's my activity throughout my visitation as our Prophet's guest :)
Design in Masjid Nabawi. Wonderful! |
Outside of the Masjid. Subhanallah!
Day outing and sight seeing, spotted Hilton.
Masjid Nabawi, camwhore,my hotel and Masjid Quba'
Last but not least,
Coffee and choc fix,The best!

This is totally a summary of my visit to Medina, that's why there are no details such as weather, activities by dates etc., sepatah orang kata before the memories fades we must preserve by posting/writing it. But if you have any queries, just let me know. I'll try to help. Next post will talk about Mecca. REAL DEAL. My ultimate intention of going there. Different, adventurous yet exciting!
til then :)